Flights & Airlines that accept Apple Pay
Apple Pay is guaranteed financial security. In addition to your Touch or Face ID, Apple replaces your reap card data with anonymous digital tokens. So every time you make a purchase for products and services, sellers will get your anonymous data instead of your actual credit card information.
We've compiled a list of airlines where you can book everything from All-inclusive, City Break, Cultural, Farmstay to special Honeymoon, Safari, and Vacations.
We have also gathered all the biggest airlines in America, such as American Airlines, Southwest Airlines, United Airlines, and Delta Air Lines.
List of shops that will accept when buying airlines tickets online
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Other items that you can shop with Apple Pay:
clothing shoes books camera cell phones computers flights furniture game consoles hotels jewelry laptops office supplies tablets toys TV
Other payment methods that you can use to shop flights:
Credit Card Mastercard Visa Discover Network American Express Diners Club Maestro Apple Pay PayPal Wire Transfer Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) Bitcoin